Depending on the source, apparently I have many different due dates, summarized in the handy chart below:
Event: Projected Due Date (Week 40)
My last period: 27 September 2009 (Yom Kippur)
Actual IUI: 29 September 2009
12 Week Ultra-Sound: 24 September 2009
22 Week Ultra-Sound: 20 September 2009 (Rosh Hashana)
So Sunday of Rosh Hashana came and went, with me thinking that I was past my due date.
Today came and went, with me thinking that this was the actual accurate due date, as I had been told that the ultra-sound is most diagnostic.
Now, having just returned from my gynecologist, he seems unconcerned as he thinks I am due right before Yom Kippur. He informed me that should I not give birth by the fast day, starting Tuesday of next week I must get a specific monitoring and ultra-sound, every two days, until they find the "smallest excuse" to send me to the hospital and induce.
Meanwhile, I am peeing almost continuously. When I went to the Jerusalem Botanical Gardens yesterday to feed the ducks, I went to the bathroom, flushed the toilet and as I was washing my hands - hadn't even left the room - had to pee again. I would take longer walks if I weren't so afraid of needing a relatively clean toilet.
i would go by the IUI date, which means you aren't due till after yom kippur.
are you planning on fasting? I hear a lot of jewish babies are born the day after fast days becuase mothers fast and the babies are like "wait, there's no more nutrition in this womb, get me out of here!"
Hang in there! It'll happen soon.
Babies aren't really punctual. Unless he/she or you is in any kind of distress, I would try not to focus too much on your actual due date. It will just aggravate you even more than being 9 months pregnant. I've had three and I haven't had one on or near my due date yet.
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