Raphaela, apparently.
My parenting counsellor had Raphaela come with me today, and she observed us playing for almost one hour. Afterwards, she gently suggested that Raphaela rules the house, and that I have to take back my full authority and power of conviction in order to minimize - if not eliminate altogether - Raphaela's aggravating selective hearing and manifestation of the Terrible Twos.
The counsellor assured me that it is clear that I love my daughter and that I am a good mother (whew), but that I enforce my role as the mother inconsistently, and that I give up on the "small battles" too quickly.
I don't disagree with her assessment, I sometimes feel as if Raphaela is a Little Dictator, though it is difficult to be told by an objective observer that you are all too human, and that I am making classic and obvious parenting mistakes.
Why do you have a Parenting Counsellor? doesn't it annoy you to have someone tell you what to do with your own daughter?
I wanted to have an objective voice when I felt overwhelmed. Thus far, her assistance has been a mixed blessing.
Meh, I'm inconsistent with my 3 year old, but it keeps him quiet, so it's a win win for both of us. :) I'm sure the parenting counselor would be horrified. There's not a whole lot you can do to minimize the terrible two's. Just have to keep your head down and plow through.
I agree with Abbi. Just wait till you reach the shores of adolescence. It's a treat. Just remember that for now? You can pick her up and carry her around. It's a huge plus. I'm going to have to rely on moral suasion to make sure my daughter doesn't start doing that to me in a couple of years. Maybe I should work more on that fear/respect thing. (Where's my copy of The Prince, anyway?)
I'm sure she'll be fine. She won't remember any of this anyway.
sounds like the Parenting Counsellor is an idiot. Sorry - making a parent feel guilty is the worst thing to do.
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