The ways of the Lord are truly mysterious and wonderful, and it is only since moving to Israel almost 13 years ago, that I started to see and understand feedback from the Universe, at an almost immediate level.
1. I got to see Raphaela roll over for the first time on Wednesday, instead of hearing about it.
2. I experienced the kindness of my friend, who truly rescued my sanity today and gave up three hours of his day to help me.
3. I had to post a message on janglo, as part of my attempts to find a last minute sitter.
Now here's the interesting part of the story: janglo only posted my notice today, after I had need of a sitter. Many candidates called in response, and so I started collecting names, for future use if such a situation should arise again.
In speaking to one of the women who had called, she happened to mention that in addition to her background in medicine and child care, she also cleans houses professionally. (It is the family business.) She happens to have time on Friday, a rare event indeed, and she just may be the person who will finally free me from my current cleaning person, a goal of mine for at least the last six months. I have become increasingly wary of his behaviour since the birth of Raphaela, but could not fire him until I had a replacement.
So for all my misery in the last 48 hours, several good things have already come out of it, all because my metapelet caught some version of a flu. I suppose I could also learn from this situation how to relax and trust the Greater Universe, but certain things take longer to undo.
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