In my urgent quest to avoid having to inject myself with hormones, I came upon a book with the gracious assistance of my upstairs neighbor (EG) called Taking Charge of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler, MPH. In it, she describes in detail the three physical signs that can be monitored by the woman herself, which combined tell you exactly when you have ovulated and how to achieve pregnancy most efficiently.
I recommend that any woman trying to get pregnant, or opting not to use chemical birth control, check out this essential read.
And so I went to the pharmacy and bought a digital thermometer, and every morning I take my Waking Body Temperature, before I even get out of bed. Charting the results has become fun, an art project and a science experiment; I need to know this information because I will not necessarily be able to get to Hadassah Hospital to get an ultrasound on the right day, depending upon my cycle.
I pass along several points that have bearing on my fertility, and recommend again that you read the book cover to cover.
1. The Luteal phase will largely determine if the ovum will have enough time to implant, once conception has taken place. To increase a short Luteal phase, she recommends Vitamin B6, in addition to Folic Acid.
2. To increase the chance of conceiving a girl, sex or insemination should take place on day 4-2 before the peak of ovulation. To increase the chance of a boy, inseminate 1-0 days ie at the peak of ovulation.
3. Once pregnant, body temperature will continue to rise, and thus the woman can know if she is pregnant before taking official blood tests which check for hCG levels.
4. Using temperature as a guide, the due date can be worked out mathematically: Peak Ovulation (from Chart) plus nine months, minus one week.
Of course the baby will still arrive when he/she is ready to leave the confines of the womb, when the space starts getting cramped.
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