Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Family Support

A woman my age, whom I had had the pleasure of mentoring at the start of her quest to become a JSMBC, sent me the following SMS this morning:  "Mazal Tov the Brit Milah of our son and grandson will be on..." The message was signed by the woman herself, and her parents.

It gives me no greater joy than to see a woman become a mother, and have the love and support of her family.  That can only bode well for the future of this boy.

Mazal Tov!

1 comment:

Rachel Selby said...

Hello, I have just found your blog and can't wait to subscribe. I have recently started my own blog on the same subject - my daughter was born in Jm two years ago under similar circumstances. And, I also got the same message about that Brit on Sunday. Please check out my blog and let's be in [blog] touch.