Monday, September 15, 2008

Does Doctor Know Best? (Round Six)

15/9/08 (Monday): After a much more successful attempt this past round, a huge mountain of stress ended that pregnancy and even brought my period on early. I met today with my doctor at Hadassah and we spoke and consulted for over a half hour, and decided to give it one more try before the Jewish holidays begin.

A friend and colleague of mine, a woman who happens to be an extremely dedicated and knowledgeable Women's Health specialist, is convinced that the reason the pregnancies are not working is because I have an undiagnosed case of PCOS. She is like a dog with a bone, and I will be getting the damned insulin tolerance test despite the fact that the doctors at Hadassah had considered and disregarded that possibility.

16/9/08 (Tuesday): I got a call this morning from Rut, the woman in charge of the Sperm Bank. Normally a serious individual, she had called to see how I was doing, to encourage me and to let me know that the new choice of donor was "something special," in her estimation. I felt wonderful to see the more human side of her, and I can only appreciate more the work she does for all women who come to her with hope and disappointment.

18/9/08 (Thursday): Blood tests and ultra-sound at Hadassah Hospital, onward with the plan of 100 cc of Puregon injections for the next several days. They seem to be ignoring the small cysts they saw on the ultra-sound, apparently it is not getting in the way of their projections.

19/9/08 (Friday): Massive fight with my mother because my aunt opened her very large mouth and told my mother that I was trying to get pregnant and didn't want to tell her. All the stress and drama that I was hoping to avoid, right at my doorstep.

21/9/08 (Sunday): Blood tests and ultra-sound, looks like the goal of an IUI on Tuesday has been pushed forward a few days, due to the fact that my follicles aren't quite as large as we would all like. Time again to rearrange my work schedule for the week. I also have an appointment this week with my GP, to try to setting the PCOS question once and for all.

22/9/08 (Monday): My GP believes that I have had enough invasive testing for the moment, that there is no real indicator to presume PCOS, and that the hormones with which I am injecting myself should plow through anything going on down there. Also had a session of fertility acupuncture today, in anticipation of the IUI later this week.

23/9/08 (Tuesday): The acupuncture worked like a charm, while I had three small follicles on Sunday, I now have 5 small to medium follicles. Because of the timing of the Jewish holidays, the schedule should proceed for Thursday, with another session of acupuncture and mega hormones in the next 36 hours.